BBC Learning English Website


Learning Circles Introduction and Session 1

It is very useful for learning and teaching, the Learning Circles are a chance 

for help my family and my, taching others helps to reinforce english.


Grammar Reference 

Question forms

It is very useful for me, because I still have problems to understand how and where to use Question forms


Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Summary

It is useful to be able to pronounce English words better, because sometimes 
I speak like a robot

6 Minute Vocabulary  


It is good to exercise the ear, because sometimes it is difficult to understand the words in 
an audio

News Review 
The hottest January day ever

It is useful to learn how to use a word in different sentences, and to learn a little about 
how other people live.

Activity 1
'For' vs 'since'

It is useful to me, but I would like your opinion on how to answer correctly when I get a wrong answer.


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Song i listening to at the moment

A Holiday as a Child

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