A country you would like to visit.

 What about you? 

Write about a country you would like to visit.


Which country it is,

Why you would like to visit it,

Who you would go with,

How long you'd spend there,

Which places you would visit.

Mention anything else you thing is interesting or important. Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a coment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

the country i am like to visit is Japon, is a country very respetuos with your culture, modals and habits. i would like to visit this country for yours culture, i liked the temples i thinks is magestuos and calms, i liked the clothes uses in festival, and the tradicional clothes of the geishas, shes look beautiful in yours clothes and make up.



  1. A wonderful country. I visited it in 2017. I was lucky enough to go to Tokyo, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Matsuyama on the Island of Shikoku which is famous for it temple pilgramage of 88 temples.


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